
La Christmas Eve, Tyltyl et Mytyl, two children of loggers trying to sleep.
From their window, they observe reckless rich kids who prepare their feast.

Suddenly, a light comes to disturb. This is the Fairy Bérylune which makes a visit. In order to heal his daughter, She says children the quest for Blue Bird.

Armed with a magic diamond, whose power makes visible the soul of things, Tyltyl and Mytyl will travel a journey of discovery through different worlds. Guided by the Light and accompanied by the soul of the dog, the cat, Fire and water, ils traversent le « Pays du souvenir », le « Royaume de la Nuit », la « Forêt enchantée » et bien d’autres mondes.

At the end of the trip, children wake up on Christmas morning and find their home in a different light. All they think best.

Suddenly, Madame Berlingot whose daughter is very sick, just ask the turtle to Tyltyl. Children understand when the Blue Bird was in fact much sought before their eyes.

A la vue de l'oiseau, the granddaughter of Mrs. Berlingot found zest for life and heals.

But soon caught, the Blue Bird escaping from his hands ...

Guillaume Caubel Metteur en scène / Actor / Auteur / Chanteur / Circassien / Pedagogue

Diplômé́ de l’école LAMDA de Londres avec les Honneurs, Guillaume poursuit sa formation théâtrale au Conservatoire d’arts dramatiques d’Orléans sous la direction de Jean-Claude Cotillard. Il y rencontre Olivier Py dont il devient stagiaire à l’assistance mise en scène sur « Le Soulier de Satin ». Thereafter, il intègre la compagnie du Théâtre du [...]

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